Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Greatness of God

In my life there have been many ups and downs and yet there has always been the loving hand of God to either comfort or encourage me.  I do believe that no matter what I do, or how I act, He is always there to guide me into the path that will eventually lead me to Him.  It isn't always an easy path and I have always taken the path that has led me away from Him.  No matter, He always stays close to me, ensuring that I don't stray to far, and with love and a tender hand, moves me back on the path that I should have taken in the first place.  I find myself, most of the time, thinking of what it will be like to finally get my chance to see God and all the Saints.  Some say that His Glory is so overwhelming that nothing will seem of any consequence and the past will be obscured by His light.  I for one, hope that isn't true, because  I would like to ask some questions regarding "why" I seemed to take the worldly path rather than the spiritual path.  Am I that weak, or is it that we truly are a sinful people and although the worldly path isn't the easiest, it offers the immediate gratification of our carnal needs.  Grudges, anger, desire, and concupiscence all only bring the soul to a dark place, so my questions will be about their place in His loving design.  Anyway, I do believe that He is constantly with us, which makes the presence of these things a greater mystery.  I will never be able to tell anyone what He says, or if I care once I am in His presence, but today it seems important.  Peace and Love.