Thursday, November 3, 2011

Why find fault with something you know little about?

I have been watching the news and reading articles that cite numerous street surveys of Catholics who appear to know little about the faith they claim to uphold. I have particularly noted that the issues are things that cause a great stir both socially and politically. Those interviewed seemed to adhere to the mainstream opinion on such things as birth control, artificial insemination, the death penalty, abortion, and other politically explosive issues. Although those interviewed proclaimed themselves to be followers of the Catholic faith, they were very vocal to criticize the Church and it's leaders regarding teachings and positions taken for centuries. Why, do these people claim that they are something they aren't, namely Catholic.

Being Baptized into any faith but failing to practice that faith does not make one a member. The choice that their parents had to Baptize them is unfortunately, not their choice to continue and follow that faith. Even though they don't read, participate, or understand the position of the Church they claim to represent the millions that do. Who do they think they are? We all know that the media is seeking to create sensationalism and/or create a product, although incorrect or misleading, which will sell advertising and will stoop to any level to be successful. This poor journalism isn't the issue, it is the audacity of those who make such comments that irks me.

I was reading a book "Why I am a Catholic" by Garry Wills which turned out to be his personal attack on the leadership of the Church, particularly the Chair of Peter. I was devastated to read some of his illogical musings and to find them hidden in a book that is supposedly pro-Catholic. I picked this book because I was hoping and expecting to read a personal journey of someone who has come to find the Church a place of safety in this world of confusion. Instead, he has taken the liberty to denigrate not only the people who have sat in the Chair of Peter but also the position itself. Where does he come off? Why does he feel that it is necessary for him to attempt to sully the Church with his own vile hatred under the guise of being a true Catholic. I don't care if he goes to Church every day, says Hail Mary's all day, and has pictures of Jesus all over his house! If he publicly denies the leadership, which he does, and attempts to lure people away from the Church, which appears to be his hidden agenda, then he doesn't have the right to call himself a Catholic. It is on the same level as one ranting against free enterprise, capitalism, and free elections but still calling themselves Americans. One cannot stand against or openly defy the basic foundations of anything and still claim to be part of that society.

There will always be ramblings of heretics and malcontents against the Church because it is the one remaining guidepost instituted by Jesus Christ that leads to salvation. Those of us that are practicing Catholics and support the Church, it's leadership, and pray for the reform of society will always have our detractors. We must be aware of the hatred that exists and stand together, united, and trust that God, who has guided the Church through difficult times for the past two millenium will continue to hold it in His loving hand.

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